
Monday, June 8, 2009

What's the difference between encapsulation and abstraction?

Encapsulation protects abstractions. Encapsulation is the bodyguard; abstraction is the VIP.

Encapsulation provides the explicit boundary between an object's abstract interface (its abstraction) and its internal implementation details. Encapsulation puts the implementation details "in a capsule." Encapsulation tells users which features are stable, permanent services of the object and which features are implementation details that are subject to change without notice.

Encapsulation helps the developers of an abstraction: it provides the freedom to implement the abstraction in any way consistent with the interface. (Encapsulation tells developers exactly what users can and cannot access.) Encapsulation also helps the users of an abstraction: it provides protection by preventing dependence on volatile implementation details.

Abstraction provides business value; encapsulation "protects" these abstractions. If a developer provides a good abstraction, users won't be tempted to peek at the object's internal mechanisms. Encapsulation is simply a safety feature that reminds users not to stray over the line inadvertently.

1 comment:

Hexa_troubleshoot said...

Hello there thanks for sharing the information for the What's the difference between encapsulation and abstraction? and its a nice and Encapsulation helps the developers of an abstraction: it provides the freedom to implement the abstraction in any way consistent with the interface and if you want to know more information visit site: http;//